Weekly Digest: Stories for National Smile Day


There is no doubt that a smile can improve one’s spirits. It may be from the kind stranger who greets you along the street or from the lady who sells you flowers in the morning; a smile is often a guaranteed pick-me-upper!

As we all celebrate National Smile Day, ALTCP has gathered stories that will surely bring a positive vibe to your day. So whether you are breezing through your afternoon downtime in a long term care facility or enjoying a cup of coffee at home, we hope these will help lift your spirits even more.


102-Year-Old Woman Gets Arrested, Checks ‘Getting Arrested’ Off Bucket List

You’re never too old for new experiences—even if it involves getting arrested. James Gould-Bourn of Bored Panda shares an interesting story of 102-year-old Edie Simms. With the help of St. Louis, Missouri officers, she was able to cross off that particular item off her bucket list. She was even put in the back of a cruiser! This just shows that you are as young as you feel.


Laughter-Based Exercise Boosts Older Adults’ Health

Laughter is truly the best medicine, and it helps boost mental health, physical stamina, and motivation. Money Talk News’ Krystal Steinmetz features a way that perfectly combines enjoyment and exercise. Older adults in long term care facilities had laughter incorporated into their exercise programs, and it reaped positive benefits. Who knew laughing abundantly can be a full workout?


Also Read: The Importance of Seniors Keeping Fit and Healthy


Woman, 96, recognized for 29 years, 11,000 hours of service with RSVP+

Natalie Termes serves as an inspiration for everyone. The 96-year-old woman, as shared by Candy DenOuden of Rapid City Journal, was recognized for 11,000 hours of community service. This just shows how anyone can make a difference, regardless of age.


Sunday afternoon dance started in Tyler for senior citizens

Who says partying is just for youngsters? Betty Waters shares exciting news through Tyler Morning Telegraph. From 3 to 6 PM on the fourth Sunday of every month, seniors residing in Tyler City get together to have a dance party. Why? Because “seniors are seniors. They like to go out and have fun.”


Kids Make Cards for Seniors in the Midlands

Happiness can come from pieces of paper and crayons. Lana Harris of WLTX shares a bittersweet post about how a third-grade class wrote letters to the senior members of a community. As the article states, sometimes, people could really use a few kind words, even from strangers.


Share Your Experiences

Smiling is contagious, so let’s spread the good vibes! What is one thing that makes you smile? Let us know in the comments section.